About us!
Hey all! My name is Rudy, co-owner of The Rude Awakening. My love for coffee stemmed from wanting to brighten people’s day with Latte Art! It wasn’t until a wholesale rep at the restaurant/cafe I was working at taught me how to dial in, that my inner coffee geek was born. That was over 10 years ago! Crazy how time flies.
As I kept learning I was fortunate enough to help design and develop coffee programs for some restaurants and cafes in Los Angeles. In one of those restaurants, I met the future co-owner and now wife, Angie! She pushed me to start something that had been brewing in the back of my mind for YEARS!
So here we are now, a coffee power couple bent on bringing delicious coffee closer to you. Coffee brought us together, and now it brings us closer to you. Ok enough about us, we want to get to know you.